Should the Netherlands also let go of all corona measures? | Join the conversation

End in sight

The end of the omicron wave is within reach. The number of ICU hospital admissions due to corona is falling against expectations. Although the corona occupation in hospitals increased, there was a decrease in IC. “At the moment there are still 17 corona patients in our hospital, 3 of whom are on the IC,” a spokesperson for the MUMC+ said in a statement. the Telegraph. If this trend does not change, it is expected that the omicron wave will end in a few weeks. Virologist Bert Niesters says: “By the end of February, if all goes well, most of the measures should be over.” IC head of Amsterdam UMC Armand Girbes agrees. He says: “The picture that was already apparent in other countries such as Denmark and Great Britain is now also coming here. If you then see that they are lifting the restrictive general measures there, I think we are close to that too.”

2G proposal

Earlier today, it appeared that the 2G proposal of the cabinet will probably not be implemented. 2G means that people who have been vaccinated or who have a recovery certificate have access to, among other things, the catering and cultural sector. This means that unvaccinated people are excluded from this. SGP, CU and GL are against this. Corona minister Ernst Kuipers says that the introduction of 2G will have little effect in the current situation of the omicron variant. What does this mean for the lifting of the corona measures in the Netherlands?

There is a lot of tweeting on the internet about letting go of the corona measures. For example, Eelco believes that the Netherlands should follow Denmark.

Martijn is skeptical about letting go of the measures in Denmark.

This tweeter can’t wait to get back to life before the corona measures.

Marjan is tired of the people who flout the rules.

This twitterer is voting for freedom.

Join the conversation

Do you agree with these tweeters? Should the Netherlands follow Denmark by letting go of all corona measures? Or do you think everything is opening up too quickly and entailing too many risks, just like six months ago? What do you think should be done? Join the conversation through our Facebook page!


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