Shaved head hair, who looks good and how to keep it

“L‘I noticed the first lockdown finished. At the reopening of the salons, many customers wanted extra short cuts, right down to shaving. I blamed it on the change that each of us may have made and on the desire to appear freer and lighter once we leave the house again “she explains Tommaso Incamicia, Hairstylist for Davines and owner of the salon My Place Hair Studio from Milan.

An almost psycho-physical need therefore towards an extreme choice: a shaved head for a woman, or in any case an XXS cut, has convinced more and more in the last year. Celeb first of all.

Shaved head, the psychology of a female choice

Therefore a sign of strong change, the shaved head and the extra short hairlook often also represent the desire to “shake off” something old, to show a new version of himself «Hair is the only part of our body that we can change quickly in a non-indelible way: if we cut them, they grow back“.

Not only fashion and trends, but also script requirements as Demi Moore and Charlie Theron have shown over the years or clear-cut positions like the one recently taken by Willow Smith, supportive of her mother Jada Pinkett Smith, shaved because she was affected by alopecia. Therefore, shaving is often the end of a journey of great change that a woman may have made and the desire to show it to the world.

And with the fact that it is considered a not very feminine cut, how do we put it? “As far as I’m concerned it’s a cliché. A woman’s femininity isn’t just in her hair. Just look at Demi Moore in Soldier Jane. But I also think of all my clients who choose extra short cuts, if not shaved, and that they lose nothing in femininity, rather.

The secret is knowing which woman wants, and is ready, to take such a step. But of course femininity is not enclosed only in the hair»Explains Incamicia with conviction. As many celebrities have shown over the years, in this type of haircut there is that mystery and that intrigue that make the look very interesting.

Shaved head woman, what you need to know

Starting from the beginning, however, we must admit that not all heads are made to be naked “Shaving, in fact, is good for women with a regular shape and distribution of hair. It would also be important not to have too strong or marked features ».

Once this single need is satisfied, then the road is all downhill, especially when it comes to daily hair routine that becomes much faster and easier.

“For example, the hair routine of a woman wearing a very short pixie is very simple: you use a conditioning product in the shower, remove excess water once you go out, use one or two styling products and they dry their hair with their hands or with a hairdryer, without even using the brushes. In the summer, everything is simplified even more ».

Scrubs and emollients, the fundamental step

Summer or winter, essential are scrubs and emollient and moisturizing products. «The skin of the head, in fact, in this case is not protected by the hair, which they act as a filter against smog, impurities and external agents. The skin is therefore more exposed, for this reason the cleansing is key and scrubs become important so as to eliminate all impurities ».

Not to be underestimated then, just like for the face, also the application of a moisturizer or emollient that keeps the skin nourished and hydrated and, especially in summer but not only, the SPF50 sunscreen.

Beyond the shaved head

Alternatives to a full shave? «Among the XXS cuts, there are pixies in all shapes: from the longest to the shortest tuft, with uncovered or covered neck or ears.

In recent years, “classic” pixies have come back into fashion, even mullets wolf. These are all variations of a trend that continues to be current »concludes the expert.



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