Serie B, Brescia: Inzaghi remains on the bench, peace made with Cellino

After the disputed arrival of Diego Lopez, the company backtracked. Having mended the relationship with the club, Pippo is ready to restart the race towards Serie A

Friends as before and it is not an armed peace: this is the concept expressed by the Brescia headquarters after the confrontation between Massimo Cellino and Filippo Inzaghi at the club headquarters, which took place at lunchtime. A meeting wanted by both parties to go beyond the issues relating to clauses, quibbles and anything else formal there was, proceeding together with renewed unity of purpose towards the goal of Serie A. Objective within the reach of a team that, at the net of the earthquake in recent days, it is third in the standings, one point from direct promotion.

The turnaround

After two days of doubts and comparisons, with the Uruguayan technician still under contract Diego Lopez recalled on Sunday evening in Italy (complete with medical examinations carried out on Monday morning while Inzaghi’s staff collected personal effects at the Torbole Casaglia sports center), with the return of the president from England, the mediation work of the technical director Francesco Marroccu prevailed. “This meeting was wanted by both: a clarification was needed – explains Marroccu -. Inzaghi wanted to resume his role in the belief that there was enthusiasm and confidence on both sides in the possibility of realizing our project. So it is, and then we start again with conviction towards Serie A, the goal we have set ourselves. ” Palacio is still part of the project, who was at the heart of the dispute on a technical level: “Rodrigo has always had an exemplary behavior on and off the pitch, for Brescia he is a precious resource”.


Inzaghi returned to the Torbole Casaglia field for the team’s training, which had already begun at 2.30 pm under the guidance of the tactical match analyst Simone Baggio with the trainers Daniele Cenci, Luca Alimonta and Eduardo Pizzarelli. SuperPippo went through the gates at 15 and at 5.07 he took the field to direct what remained of the training. “Go Pippo”, greeted a group of fans happy with his return to the saddle.


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