Sending a song from Buse Varol to his wife Alişan!

It was claimed that Buse Varol and Alişan had separated the houses and decided to divorce. After Alişan, who denied the allegations, a suggestive reference came from Buse Varol. Buse Varol shared a song of Nilüfer on her Instagram account.

It was claimed that Buse Varol and Alişan had separated the houses and decided to divorce. It was said that the couple, who has been on the agenda with the news of divorce for a while, started official proceedings.

Türkücü Alişan lost his brother Selçuk Tektaş (41) 7 months ago due to coronavirus. After his brother’s death, he did not leave his nephews Eyşan and Ceylan for a moment.

Buse Varol, whom she married in 2018, thought that Alişan neglected her own children, Burak and Eliz. That’s why they broke up. The couple went on vacation to Budapest in November to return to their old days. However, Alişan did not do what he did. Buse Varol’s behavior also increased the tension in the family.

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Their daughter Eliz turned 1 the other day. While Alişan wanted to have a simple celebration, Buse Varol organized a party in a five-star hotel.

This situation divided the family into two, the ropes came to the breaking point. Alişan cut a small cake with her nieces and aunt Merve at her mother Suzan Tektaş’s house.

Buse Varol was not invited to her mother-in-law’s house because she insisted on the hotel. It turned out that Alişan’s family was extremely uncomfortable with Buse Varol’s attitude.

Enter text about the news!.The claim that singer Alişan and actress Buse Varol will divorce, fell like a bomb on the agenda of the magazine. Alişan made a statement on her Instagram account denying the allegations, but Buse Varol did not receive any statement or sharing. A suggestive sharing came from Varol, who still uses his surname as Alişan’s surname.

Buse Varol shared the song ‘Season Bahar’ by Nilüfer Örer on her Instagram account. The lyrics of the song were found suggestive by social media users.

The lyrics of the song shared by Buse Varol are as follows: ‘If a crazy wind blows from somewhere. I don’t know if it will shoot me or take me away. That crazy lover is a thing of the past. I don’t know if he will come back…

Is there no time? Won’t he come back? Defenseless emotions. Oh won’t he give those days again? Those cruel years.’

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