Scientists are demanding more money from the G7 for climate protection

ELMAU (dpa-AFX) – Before the start of the G7 summit in Elmau, Bavaria, scientists have asked the participating states for more money for climate protection. More money is needed than the 100 billion US dollars that industrialized countries have promised to countries particularly affected by global warming, said Axel Berger from the German Institute for Development and Sustainability on Saturday in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Starting on Sunday, the seven leading Western industrialized countries will meet in Elmau with other guests. Since Germany has the G7 presidency, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is hosting.

The climate club proposed by Scholz must also deal with the problems of developing countries and, for example, advance energy transition partnerships, Berger demanded. Macroeconomist Dennis Snower, president of the Global Solutions Initiative, a network of think tanks, said that social concerns must also be addressed.

Multilateralism, i.e. the cooperation of states in international bodies and organizations, is under pressure, said Snower. Nevertheless, it remains important for solving problems that need to be addressed on a global level. Russia and its supporters could not be completely excluded from all forums.

Snower and Berger spoke at a press conference of the think tank network “Think7”, which is accompanying the German G7 presidency with scientific expertise. The group also recommends new ways to measure wealth more broadly than just gross domestic product. Environmental, educational and social policy issues should also be covered. Digital companies also need a uniform legal framework that gives users back control of their data./hrz/DP/nas
