scammers sell a beautiful date for millions

Marriage is made in heaven and is not sold by ads, but either love is really blind, or the brides and grooms have gone greedy, and there are plenty of people who want to get engaged on a mirror date.

Meeting at Shcherbinsky registry office Moscow. Yesterday’s bride and groom are in a quarrel today. Their boat crashed on the family budget. Failed husband Ivan decided to sell the future wedding. Rather, a beautiful date for the celebration – 02/22/2022. Young people applied for this number back in December. But the marriage appears to have worked out.

We are meeting with Ivan and Tatiana as part of a journalistic experiment. They called the number in the announcement of the sale of a beautiful date and decided to find out how this adventure would end. For a figure with six deuces, the couple requested 400 thousand rubles. But in the registry office prudent “Cupids” were not accepted.

– You can not do it this way! You need to watch the news less! This is called swindling – fraudulent activities!
We just want to change.
– Well, it’s impossible to do it!
– Why?
– Because!

The registry office employee was so angry that she seemed to have forgotten about the newlyweds, whom she was painting at that moment. The newlyweds looked in surprise at the uninvited guests. And the unlucky sellers Ivan and Tatyana sadly wandered to the exit. At the sight of the television camera, the mood of the couple completely deteriorated. The bride immediately evaporated, the groom had to make excuses.

– Tell me, please, why did you suddenly decide that this is possible, and that it can be traded?
– Whats wrong with that?
– Do you admit that you wanted to sell?
– No, I wanted to give in to you.
– Did you book the scheme in advance?
– Not.
– You understand, I have financial problems, and this happened to the girl.

Ivan and Tatyana are far from the only merchants of family happiness on the Internet. This week, ad sites were full of offers to sell a beautiful date for registration. After all, couples usually submit applications exactly one month in advance. The price range is impressive. In large cities they ask for millions, in smaller regions – more modest amounts. Sites blocked such offers, but new ones appeared in their place. Ivan from Reutov, near Moscow, was ready to give up his place in the registry office for five million rubles, the journalists bargained for up to two.

The greedy groom from Reutov was also disappointed. The registry office categorically refused to replace brides and grooms. For many brides and grooms, there are no trifles in such an important matter as a wedding. Everything should be perfect – accessories, shoes, dress. And now the date. Some are so immersed in the process that they lose their heads and easily fall into the networks of scammers. It seems that they do not even think about what such a marriage of convenience could turn into.

Muscovite Marina received a marriage proposal on New Year’s Eve. She immediately knew that an incredible event was coming. February 22, 2022 is not just a beautiful number – it is a palindrome – it reads the same in both directions. The next such day will come only in the new millennium – 03/30/3033 and it is unlikely that love will stand such a test of time. The lovers decided to seize the moment, but there were no more places left in the capital’s registry offices. Apparently, everything was taken apart by greedy brides and grooms. Marina and her chosen one were going to go to the village for happiness.

“We even considered other regions. We found the cities of Kirzhach and Sobinka, they were ready to provide these services. It would probably be an interesting memory. For a new family,” the groom says.

Alexander and Marina were lucky. Due to the unprecedented excitement, Moscow registry offices decided to extend work until nine in the evening. There are 100 new slots. Thus, in the capital they will fight against scammers who sell the door to family happiness, like potatoes in the market. The registry offices explain that there can be no exchange. The system simply won’t allow it.

“If a couple refuses to register a marriage, this application is not canceled and the slot is not released, it is assigned to the couple and the couple can change their mind and come to the marriage registration on the appointed day. These are scammers, this is a hoax,” explained the deputy head of the wedding palace No. 4 of the registry office Moscow Marina Zvereva.

In the pursuit of digital magic, many couples do not seem to realize that instead of shouting “bitterly” they are in for bitter disappointment and the loss of money given to scammers.

“The actions of such sellers may carry signs of a crime. If the persons received the money, then in this case we can talk about the crime of fraud,” said lawyer Mikhail Nikolaets.

It is a paradox, but numerologists did not appreciate the excitement around the beautiful date. Apparently, even they secretly believe that marriages are made in heaven.

“We want show-offs, we want some special meaning. On the contrary, the excess of twos, the excess of grace gives greed. On the contrary, it can lead to people starting to quarrel, conflict,” said numerologist and esotericist Daria Mironova.

For the participants of our experiment, Ivan and Tatiana from Moscow, a beautiful date has already brought misfortune. The marriage has not yet been concluded, and the relationship has already fallen apart. But it is still possible to glue their broken cup. 02/22/2022 the couple will still be waiting at the registry office. In the hope that a marriage of convenience will turn into a marriage of love.


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