Saxony-Anhalt also wants to overturn 2G in retail

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Magdeburg Cathedral Square | Image: Ben Sauer via Unsplash

Saxony-Anhalt also wants to overturn the 2G regulation in retail. “It is clear that 2G falls in retail", Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) said on Wednesday to the German Press Agency in Magdeburg. The cabinet will make the decision next Tuesday and initiate it shortly after the prime ministers’ conference on Wednesday. “We want to make the decisions as a package with regulations for schools, sports and gastronomy", said the head of government. 2G means that only vaccinated and recovered people have access. Grocery stores and drugstores are exempt from this.

The 2G rule in retail has already been overturned in several federal states. In Bavaria, for example, the 2G requirement has been suspended for a long time after the Administrative Court overturned the restriction in January. In Lower Saxony, too, a court had rejected the 2G rule. Since then, FFP2 masks have been compulsory in shops in both federal states. Hesse has already ended the 2G rule in retail. Other countries are planning this. (dpa)


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