Sanremo 2022: the beauty looks of the fourth evening of the Festival, with eye focus

TO Sanremo 2022 is the evening of duet covers, perhaps among the most awaited and loved, together with the final. Next to Amadeus makes her debut on the stage of the Festival una Maria Chiara Giannetta not at all excited (at least apparently) and super sparkling. And the beauty looks that decree the maxi makeup trend of this Sanremo 2022: i cat and winged eye, all eyeliner.

Sanremo beauty fourth evening, the focus is all eyes

At full glance: the make-up of Emma Marrone and Francesca Michielin the fourth evening of Sanremo 2022

The all-eye makeup: Euphoria-style graphics for Emma Marrone and Francesca Michielin

The most anticipated performance of the evening was certainly that of Emma Marronewho has chosen to make his own homage to Britney Spears, together with Francesca Michielin. As she revealed in an interview herself, her homage was a tribute to pop and an artist who was able to express herself by also supporting the most important causes, such as that for the LBGTQ + community.

For Emmathe makeup artist Simone Giammino has created a super rock cat eyes, slender towards the temple as if to follow the line of the important shoulder straps, characterizing the velvet suit Gucci (like makeup).

For Francesca Michielin instead, the MUA Luca Cianciolo created a double game of textbook graphicsenhanced even more by the clean and minimal hair look.

The beauty look of Maria Chiara Giannetta

Dressed in a short dress of tulle and rhinestones, the actress from Blanca brings the lively elegance of a short cut, characterized by wave soft and very natural.

Styling, signed by Sunday Ricciardi for Cotrilit is perfect to enhance the helmet midi of the actress and the neckline of the dress. The line is central and the roots are given a little volume to make the whole even more natural.

The signature make-up Armani Beauty instead it is characterized by naturalness: the complexion is very natural, the cheeks warmed by a peach-colored blush, the eyes with a veil of eyeliner are intensified by the strategic use of false eyelashes that open the gaze “like a fan”.

No head shots then, but a beauty look which fully reflects her age and her young and sparkling appeal, without being overwhelmed by the formality of the evening.



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