Safer Internet Day, the 5 Instagram tips

S.and 55% of children aged 5 to 10 have a personal electronic device and the 74% use one even while in the company of friends of the same age, welcome to the Safer Internet Day 2022the World Day for Network Security established and promoted for today with the aim of raising awareness correct use of the Internet.

Affective online scams: a phenomenon on the rise and difficult to recognize

Safer Internet Day, against the risks of the Internet

The Net after all it is not free from traps and the extensive use of smartphones, tablets and PCs, as parents know, increases the possibility of falling, especially for the youngest.

So much so that 36% of most children in that age group have already received messages from strangers or invitations to dangerous games. While 40% would also be available to provide personal information to “friends” known only virtually.

The 5 Instagram tips

To ensure users a pleasant and safe but above all conscious experience, Instagram has recently developed a new Guide. It provides practical advice with just as many clear descriptions of all the features they allow use social media safely.

The Guide is free and inside you will also find detailed descriptions of all the tools already active and precise instructions on how to find and activate them.

The account must be secure

Keeping your account safe must be a priority. Because of this two-factor authentication it is a fundamental tool. By using it, in fact, you will receive a notification or will be asked to enter a special access code whenever someone tries to access our account from an unrecognized device.

Safer Internet Day, watch out for messages received

Instagram does not send DM (direct messages). If you receive a message from an alleged Instagram account reporting a violation or offering some form of reward, always be wary. Here are some practical tips for recognizing an account phishing attempt.

Official Instagram communications arrive via email. They are also visible from the app in the section “Settings”, “Security”, “Messages from Instagram”. If there is no trace in these two sections, what you received is not an Instagram message.

If the alleged Instagram message sends a link where you can enter your login credentials, you must not open it

If the contact is an account that pretends to be Instagram, check the wall of this account. Who follows, what post. If the contents have nothing to do with the world of Instagram, be wary. It is likely that this is a verified account that has itself been hacked and changed its name

Verify login activities

If in doubt that someone has entered your account without consent, verify login activities. Just go to the “Settings”, “Security”, “Login activity” section. If you notice access from other countries, for example from Turkey or Vietnam, change the password immediately.

Safer internet day

Safer Internet Day, no offensive comments

Using the new features introduced by Instagram you are protected from unwanted interactions. These features are:

Hidden words”, Which allows you to automatically hide offensive comments.

Limitations”, Which allows you to temporarily limit unwanted comments or messages from people you do not yet follow or from a group of people who have recently started following. You can decide how long to apply the restrictions.

Restrictions”, Especially recommended for people who do not feel comfortable blocking or officially unfollowing someone for possible repercussions.

Protect your own well-being and that of others

And if you want to protect your own mental well-being and that of others, Instagram offers some other useful advice.
If you think you are spending too much time online, for example, then it will be good to check the “your business” section. To do this, simply click on the three horizontal lines next to the account name. In this way you will be able to see how much time on average has been spent on the app, set a daily limit and receive notifications to pause activities.

Furthermore, inappropriate content and accounts can be reported to Instagram. If you see something or someone who violates the Guidelines of the Instagram community, you can send a report. The Instagram team will carry out a check and take action. Land interested people will not know who the report is coming from.

While those who have made it will be able to check what happens following the report directly from the “Settings”, “Assistance”, “Requests for assistance”, “Reports” section.



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