Safe Schools? Incidence in 10 to 14 year olds is already 2673.5!

The number of new corona infections reached an unprecedented high on Thursday.

Berlin registered 11,449 other infected people within 24 hours (previous week 7797). The corona incidence skyrocketed.

In purely mathematical terms, 1154.2 people per 100,000 inhabitants tested positive for the PCR (previous day 1055.1).

The most affected age group was 5 to 19 year olds with a 7-day incidence of over 2000.

The 10 to 14 year olds in particular stood out again, with a 7-day incidence of 2673.5.

Criticism from parent representatives at the Senate

Berlin parent representatives have clearly criticized the Senate for its school policy in the corona pandemic.

The communication of the education administration on the current infection numbers is designed to downplay the situation in the schools, according to an open letter from parents’ committee chairmen from eleven Berlin districts to the governing mayor Franziska Giffey and education senator Astrid-Sabine Busse (both SPD), who was made public on Thursday.

also read

► Berlin incidence rises by almost 100 to 1154 on Thursday – Mitte is now at 2286

► RKI reports 133,536 new corona cases in Germany on Thursday – incidence rises to 638.8

Despite the sharp increase, the situation in the intensive care units remains under control. According to the Senate’s current situation report, 17.8 percent of the intensive care beds in Berlin were occupied by Covid 19 patients. A week ago it was 17.9.

However, the hospitalization incidence rose to 13.4 in a weekly comparison and was thus still in the critical range. The value indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants had to be hospitalized within a week because of Covid-19. A week ago it was 11.1.



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