safe return after the holidays – iO Donna

S.cuola: on January 10 we return to the stalls. Although some governors of the Regions, from Zaia to De Luca, had asked to postpone the reopening, the government decided not to postpone. And on the one hand it pushes the accelerator on the vaccination campaign in the 5 – 11 range, on the other changes the rules to contain the spread of the Omicron variant.

Children's diet.  The expert speaks:

The word to pediatricians

«The decision is not up to us pediatricians. However, we believe that the school should be kept as open as possible. School transmission exists, but it is not such as to suggest not to teach face-to-face. We fight for the mental, cultural and physical health of children and this entails do everything possible to keep schools open. I always tell parents that it is better to have their children stay at the counters than in department stores or fast food restaurants. There is always a cost-benefit calculation. In the case of school, the risk is minimal, but it is worth taking», Explains Professor Guido Castelli Gattinara, pediatrician and infectious disease specialist, coordinator of the Institute for Child Health of theBambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital of Rome and professor of Infectious Diseases atUniversity of Tor Vergata.


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Primary school: the new rules

The rules for the management of positive cases are changing. This is what a note from Palazzo Chigi. In kindergarten, already in the presence of a positive, the suspension of activities for ten days. In elementary school, as soon as a positive case is known, the surveillance is activated by carrying out a test rapid or molecular antigenic. The test will be repeated after five days. In the presence of two or more positives, distance learning is provided for the class for a duration of ten days.

Secondary school: what changes

For the secondary school of I and II degree (middle school, high school, technical institutes), fup to a case of positivity in the same class, theself-monitoring with use, in the classroom, of the Ffp2 masks. With two cases in the same class there is the integrated digital teaching for those who have concluded the primary vaccination course for more than 120 days, which are healed for more than 120 days, that they did not have the dose of recall. For all others, the continuation of activities in the presence with self-surveillance and the use of Ffp2 masks in the classroom. With three cases in the same class the Dad for ten days.

A safe place

“The school it still remains a safe place. Children must be able to live as peaceful a life as possible. They have already suffered greatly from this pandemic. The vaccine allows them to be able to ease the maximum alert level for a moment, perhaps spending some time chatting with friends. We pediatricians strongly recommend that parents vaccinate their children, to protect them from a more serious illness, to protect relatives, to continue going to school », continues Professor Guido Castelli Gattinara.



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