Ryanair cabin crew threatens a summer strike across Europe | News

Ryanair cabin crew threaten to take action across Europe this summer. The immediate reason for this is the stalling of the negotiations in Spain. There, the budget airline walked away from talks about better working conditions with two unions.

They now want to cooperate with trade unions in Belgium, France, Italy and Portugal on actions if Irish society does not return to the negotiating table soon.

A major action in several countries could seriously thwart Ryanair’s recovery after the corona crisis. At the peak of the coming summer season, a comparable number of travelers is expected as in 2019, before corona plunged the travel sector into a deep trough.

“Unrealistic demands”

Ryanair has walked away from the negotiating table after Spanish unions threatened strikes, Bloomberg said. The news agency relies on a letter from personnel director Darrell Hughes of the price fighter. In it, Hughes says that the unions made “unrealistic demands” and “refused to really engage in talks”.

In Italy, pilots and cabin crew of various budget airlines, including Ryanair, already went on strike on Wednesday. There, the staff there want to be paid better and, among other things, to be able to request leave more easily.

Brussels Airlines

There is also dissatisfaction in the aviation sector in our country. Brussels Airlines announced on Wednesday that it will cancel 148 flights during the summer to reduce the workload for staff. The decision was taken in the context of the social conflict that threatens to lead to a strike.

“We are going to remove 74 return flights from the program over a five-week period as a gesture to the staff to relieve the workload,” said spokeswoman Maaike Andries. It concerns flights to and from European destinations “where we have several flights or sufficient alternatives through our partner airlines”.

The company put the proposal on the table on Tuesday during a conciliation meeting with the unions about rest times and work schedules for cabin crew. They rejected it, but the board still perseveres. There is also dissatisfaction among the pilots of Brussels Airlines, but it is mainly about the remuneration.

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