Russia will pass the peak of the incidence of “omicron” this week

Peak incidence of “omicron” in Russia will be completed this week. This forecast was made by the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev. By the end of February, Dmitriev expects an already significant decline in new cases of coronavirus.

According to the head of the RDIF, Russia is coping better with the wave of morbidity caused by the “omicron” than a number of other countries. This, according to Dmitriev, is due to the use of the Sputnik V and Sputnik Light vaccines. The high effectiveness of the Russian vaccine against new mutations of the coronavirus was confirmed by an independent study by the Italian Spallanzani National Institute of Infectious Diseases.

165 thousand 643 new cases of coronavirus in Russia have been detected over the past day. This is 6.2 thousand less than the day before. 20 thousand 185 patients were hospitalized in Russia per day, recalls “Interfax”.

Omicron strain has become dominant in Russia from January 26, 2022. It accounts for 47.9% of all cases of the disease. The surge in the incidence of coronavirus in the country began on January 13. After 17 thousand 946 new cases of the disease, 21 thousand 155 new patients were recorded the day before. The next jump in incidence was noted on January 21. Then the number of cases increased immediately by 10 thousand people.

The Omicron strain was discovered in November 2021 in South Africa, Botswana and Israel. This variant is more contagious than all previous strains of COVID-19. But this strain is already does not require strict quarantine measures.


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