Russia made demands not only to the West, but also to itself

“The devil hides in the little things. There are a few little things that have been voiced over the past two days, and they are very serious,” Israeli expert Yakov Kedmi, the former head of one of the Israeli special services, began his speech on the program “Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” .

The other day, Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov was asked if you can guarantee that the Russian army will not invade Ukraine. What did he reply? If not verbatim, his answer was something like this: no, I cannot guarantee that Russian offensive weapons will not appear on the territory of Ukraine.

The host of the program, Vladimir Solovyov, noted that the presidential press secretary cannot give guarantees or their absence.

Dmitry Peskov very professionally said, – answered Kedmi. “He didn’t say, they say, this is not my competence. He gave the answer. And when this is said by a person who works with the president more than the rest put together, this answer must be heeded. He said: I can’t give guarantees.

What was said before? Before Vladimir Putin stated that an attack by Ukraine on the Donbass would call into question the very existence of Ukraine, and now the wording is sharper – to the point that Peskov said. Ukraine’s failure to comply with the Minsk agreements threatens the security of Ukraine. This is a different wording.

Russia, according to the Israeli expert, may not wait for the Ukrainian attack on the Donbass, but the very fact that Ukraine is throwing away the Minsk agreements may become a casus belli for Russia (a formal reason for declaring war – ed. note).

“What did the head of NATO say…,” continued Yakov Kedmi. “He said: and we intend to increase the concentration of NATO troops in the east, regardless of the alleged Russian invasion of Ukraine. That is, it doesn’t matter what Russia will do, whether the invasion will be invented or not.” .

Interesting, in the opinion of the expert, and one more thing. The heads of US oil companies were interviewed, what will happen if Russia stops supplying gas to Europe in the event of actions in Ukraine, do you see an opportunity to compensate for these losses? They replied: there is no such possibility. This is also an additional touch.

As a result, the expert stated that the situation is unfolding according to a completely different plan than it was presented in the West.

“The first reaction to Russia’s proposals was this: we’re not even going to talk about it. Then it’s like this: let’s talk. Now it’s ambiguous. But the statements of serious people testify: we want to talk with Russia, we need to do it. Who is the first to talk about this? Minister US defense.”

Today the situation is as follows: on the one hand, Russia has presented an ultimatum, and it is presented to the United States and the West. But she presented it to herself.

“Russia has no right and cannot afford not to win in this struggle. Otherwise, the existence of the state will be under serious threat. Failure will mean Russia’s immense weakness, inability to calculate its strength. For Russia, this is a vital necessity to win the battle that has begun. For other countries, this is a loss prestige,” Yakov Kedmi said.

“A negotiations have not started yet. What happened is not negotiations yet. Even the Americans themselves have said so. Negotiations are when they discuss something, – the expert continued. – If negotiations begin, they will have to go quickly and concretely. And if they don’t start, then Russia must fulfill its promise and switch to technical-military methods of resolving the conflict.”

And this means, in his opinion, that Russia will not tolerate NATO not returning to the 1997 borders. When the Russian Federation talks about the non-advancement of NATO to the post-Soviet space, she means Kazakhstan. After all, bringing Kazakhstan to the level of Ukraine is a death sentence for the Russian state. The actions of the Russian Federation in Kazakhstan are proof of this: do not go there, do not threaten.



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