Rugby. Challenge, Treviso yields to Lyon in the final: 25-10

Benetton in the game until the 73rd minute, when a yellow from Lucchesi allows the French to dig the break. For the green-and-whites half of Brex and a kick of Marin. The April match against Perpignan was decisive for the next round

Treviso fights but gives to Gerland against Lyon for 25-10 at the end of a balanced match. Despite the many unavailability in the ranks of the lions, Benetton collapsed only in the last ten minutes of the game outnumbered, the result of a yellow inflicted on Lucchesi in the 73rd minute. Excellent defensive performance for seventy minutes by the green-and-whites, who, however, lack clarity in some offensive choices, probably due to the expenditure of energy to stem the offensive gusts of the French, in turn often and willingly inaccurate. Now Treviso to pass the round will have to play it all out at home against Perpignan in April, in the fourth and final challenge of the Challenge Cup.

First half

The attitude of coach Bortolami’s boys is on the verge of perfection, especially as regards the defensive pressure. An excellent climb resulted in excellent opportunities for the lions, who tried to surprise the hosts in transition: on 7 ‘, Berdeu saved with a Frenchwoman on Ioane an almost certain goal for Benetton. After fifteen minutes, the first break from the game is provided by the French: Doussain tries a five-a-side football as a meeting point, Dumortier collects and from the ruck Kaabèche flies to crush the first goal of the evening. On the Treviso football, a forward from Lyon immediately throws the lions into the twenty-two opponents. From the scrum dominated by Benetton, a good gaming platform derives that allows Brex to mark after a few phases. It is the same center that keeps the ball steady for Leonardo Marin’s 7-7. Berdeu places the 10-7 taking advantage of another foul committed by Treviso, before the blindfolded goddess turns her back on Benetton once again. Another unfortunate rebound from Doussain’s kick sends Dumortier into the goal, who takes advantage of the green-and-whites’ wrong positioning of the second defensive line. The guests react with great character by stationing in the Lyon half, picking up a French foul that allows Marin to bring Treviso back under the break at half-time.

Second half

Few emotions in the second half of the game, in which the hosts try to score the goal of the break but are too imprecise once they enter the 22 of Benetton. Three balls lost by the French from a favorable situation derived from touches, also thanks to a well-placed defense concentrated in responding to the attacks of the Lyonese. Treviso tries to react with sporadic offensive actions, without however creating too many worries for the hosts. At 73 ‘the referee Tempest punishes the repeated fouls committed by the lions with a yellow to Lucchesi, guilty of not being rolled away on a meeting point. Lyon did not miss the opportunity and took advantage of it to increase their advantage. It is Sopoaga who digs the first furrow with the placing that brings the hosts to 18-10. Precisely in the moment of greatest difficulty, Treviso reacts with a great personal action by Albornoz who, once tackled, tries an offload without companions in support: the Lou collects the oval and with four passes offshore free Mignot who dives undisturbed in the area of goal; Sopoaga does not fail and sets the score at 25-10. Benetton tries to dive into the opponent’s half with great pride, but yet another forced by the hosts closes the match.


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