Rob Goossens insults Angela de Jong: ‘Not an interesting woman’

Rob Goossens once again lashes out at Angela de Jong. He doesn’t understand her popularity at all. “I don’t think she’s such an interesting woman. I would rather book myself.”


Angela de Jong is by far the most feared TV critic in the country and Rob Goossens doesn’t come close to that. He is now an RTL face and at the desk of Boulevard he is mainly busy promoting programs from the client, such as B&B Vol Liefde last night. So not that exciting.

‘Not an interesting woman’

Rob finds himself very relevant. “I think Rob Goossens’s opinion does matter,” he says in conversation with the regional newspaper Tubantia† “You always have the chance with me that I will say crazy things or kick some people in the shins.”

He does it all a bit better than Angela, Rob thinks. “I don’t think she’s such a fascinating woman either, I would rather book myself about media developments. Albert Verlinde is an example for me.”


Albert was the face of Boulevard for many years. Rob now joins there a few times a week. “There are days when you expect them to call, but the call doesn’t come. That sometimes makes you restless. I only really worry if they don’t call for more than a week. Then I walk around the garden: is Rob Goossens out of fashion or something?”

Will he continue to do this for the next twenty years? “Maybe. I’ve always wanted to go on and on, from an early age, but now for the first time have achieved a kind of dynamic balance. In the first years I regularly considered giving up, but last year I decided to go for it.”

Been good for years

Angela and Rob have been at odds for years. That started when Rob worked for the Albert Verlinde program 6 Inside. He was the second choice there, because actually SBS 6 wanted Angela for that. However, she declined the offer to protect her independence.

Angela has indirectly indicated that she thinks Rob is a fagot.


The Tubantia interview with Rob Goossens:
