Rob Goossens critical of ‘velvet gloves’ Johan Derksen

Rob Goossens, who has recently joined VI Today as a bar guest, believes that Johan Derksen is measuring with two standards. “John de Mol was dealt with with velvet gloves in almost the same situation.”

© SBS 6

Johan Derksen is a lot more fierce in the abuse riot around Ajax than he was in the abuse riot around The Voice and Talpa. The football analyst repeated for evenings that John de Mol could absolutely not have known about the abuse at The Voice, but Ajax director Edwin van der Sar does not get the benefit of the doubt from him.


It is remarkable, thinks former NPO 1 boss Ton F. van Dijk. “It is remarkable to see that the talk show table that a few weeks ago was still right in front of John de Mol (‘who knew nothing’) is now arguing for the dismissal of Edwin van der Sar (‘who of course knew something’)…”, tweets he.

Initially Rob Goossens is on the defensive for his new colleagues from VI Today. “Remarks: there are signs with Van der Sar that he knew about it, with John de Mol not, and De Mol is the owner of the toko, not the director. Call for resignation would be rather nonsensical. At most you can make a moral appeal.”


Ton: “Van der Sar immediately sent a letter and offered help and had Overmars thrown out. That is quite decisive. Once you can’t fire John de Mol, you can indicate that you think he should hand over daily management to others.”

Rob: “That ‘immediate’ is debatable… Overmars dismissal was an initiative of the Supervisory Board and not of Van der Sar.”

Velvet gloves

Ton: “Don’t you agree with me that there is a difference in the way in which it was concluded that Van der Sar must now leave and the treatment and assessment of John de Mol?”

Then Rob admits that he does indeed find Johan Derksen a bit hypocritical. “Yes it is. Suddenly it is ‘big steps home quickly’ again, while De Mol was treated with velvet gloves in almost the same situation by almost the same company.”

Tony: “Exactly. That stands out.”

Brother in law

Another difference is that John de Mol was his own brother-in-law. Ton: “And his sister, a publisher within the same concern, was aware of serious and credible allegations against Ali and did nothing within Talpa with that information. But they can just stay with the gentlemen.”

Rob: “I think that’s a different situation. I have also said before.”

GeenStijl star Bart Nijman: “But John knew best, right?”

Rob: “It’s hard to believe he didn’t, but I haven’t seen any convincing evidence yet that he really knew. There’s no question that he should have known.”


VI about Van der Sar:


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