Ribéry club averts exclusion from Serie A

The Italian crisis club US Salernitana 1919 around ex-Bayern star Franck Ribéry has averted the threat of exclusion from the Serie A football league.

Entrepreneur Danilo Iervolino signed the necessary papers for the shares of the current bottom of the table. “I ask everyone for a little patience, because I’m a newcomer to this field,” said Iervolino, according to the club’s announcement. But he is optimistic that his project will soon be successful.

The southern Italian league newcomer can remain in Serie A. The Salerno club had to find a new owner after promotion because its previous co-owner, Claudio Lotito, is also the president of Lazio, and that wasn’t allowed under La Liga rules.

Trustees previously managed the club’s shares with the aim of finding a new buyer for the club by 31 December 2021. However, the project was unsuccessful for a long time. Salernitana was only able to announce a deal at the last moment, which gave the club an additional deadline.



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