Requirement: 12 years in prison for brutal stabbings in Eindhoven

On Wednesday, the Public Prosecution Service demanded twelve years in prison against Shire A. The 50-year-old Eindhoven resident is suspected of stabbing two random women. Both victims were seriously injured.

The stabbing incidents happened in January and March last year. According to the Public Prosecution Service, the man is guilty of attempted murder.

‘Without any reason’
The women stated that they had been attacked ‘without any reason’ by a man on a bicycle and in possession of a stabbing weapon. The first victim, a 47-year-old woman from Eindhoven, received a knife in her face and head while walking on Karel Doormanstraat. The second victim, a 33-year-old woman from Eindhoven, was stabbed in the back with a knife while jogging through Marterstraat.

During the hearing, the public prosecutor speaks of very serious cases. “Both victims still bear the consequences of this terrifying and out of nowhere violence every day.”

Suspect denies
Although there are camera images of both stabbings, Shire A. denies any involvement. The suspect admits to have cycled in the immediate vicinity of Marterstraat, but not that he attacked the victim.

He has no explanation for the blood found on his pants by this victim. The Eindhoven resident speaks of a mistake by the researchers and did not cooperate with the investigation by the Pieter Baan Center.

Possible third victim
In a third case, the same man was suspected of attacking a woman on Strijpsestraat. The investigation did not provide enough evidence to prosecute him for this.

The verdict is in two weeks.

ALSO READ: Victim’s blood on his clothes, but suspect (50) continues to deny


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