Remarkably fewer graduates in secondary education last school year | Education

In the 2020-2021 school year, almost 9,500 students remained in secondary education. That is remarkably fewer than the previous school year, when there were almost 17,800, according to figures from Education Flanders.

Last school year, exactly 9,492 students out of a total of 412,302 remained in secondary education. The majority were boys, 6,186 boys against 3,306 girls.

In the previous school year, there were still 17,791 in total, and in previous years the number fluctuated between 16,000 and 17,000.

Primary education stable

In primary education, the number of graduates remains fairly stable. In the 2020-2021 school year, there were 8,376 repeat students out of a total of 408,045 students, compared to 8,775 the previous school year. More girls than boys were left in primary education last year, although the difference is limited. This concerns 4,265 girls and 4,111 boys.

The 2020-2021 school year was not a normal school year, it was the first full corona school year, in which schools and students had to function in unprecedented circumstances, says the cabinet of Flemish Minister of Education Ben Weyts. So it is “impossible to compare that with previous school years”.

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