Relaxed job tips for your career

Relax instead of stress

Contrary to popular belief, working overtime and being over-committed in the workplace are not conducive to a career. It is advisable not to rush through the day, but to pause in between to take a deep breath and to consciously pay attention to how you are walking. Because the Austrian behavioral researcher Gregor Fauma found out that people who walk slowly through the office are particularly promised a high status. So don’t rush down the aisles, just keep calm and walk straight to your seat.

Punctual closing time and small breaks

Almost two thirds of European workers regularly work overtime. In a study by the market research agency Opinion Matters on behalf of the HR company ADPS, 71 percent of the employees surveyed stated that they regularly worked longer hours without being paid. In times of presence culture, one with a high workload was considered a high-performing and willing employee. And this despite the fact that precisely this behavior is counterproductive in terms of performance. Because it has been proven that those who work long hours sleep less well and deprive themselves of the relaxation that the body needs. In the long run, it is not possible to keep up the workload without performance suffering. It is therefore important to leave work as punctually as possible and to take care of your own well-being with leisure activities in order to ensure that you can continue to perform well over the long term. But a high-performing employee needs more than a punctual end of the day to be productive. Because nobody can concentrate eight or more hours a day straight from morning to evening. It is therefore advisable to allow the brain a break in between and distract yourself. Small interruptions in everyday work, such as having a coffee with colleagues and having small talk, help to be able to concentrate on your tasks again afterwards.

Successful networking

In the age of networking, after-work events, business breakfasts and learning launches can boost your own career. According to the Institute for Labor Market and Vocational Research (IAB), around every third position is now filled as a result of a personal contact. It is therefore all the more important to be seen at such events and to build up an active business network. However, there are a few tips to keep in mind. When it comes to networking, the sooner the better. It’s important to build a good network before you need it, because when you’re actively looking for a job, you act under pressure and tension. It is also advisable to meet in person far away from digital networks and to present yourself at the events in a relaxed and natural way. You are welcome to listen to your gut feeling and decide with sympathy with whom you exchange ideas and which contact could be useful. It turns out that the key to success is rest.

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