Relatives of MH17 yearn for a fair verdict: ‘Last thing we can do for them’ | Inland

with videoAfter a grueling and emotional criminal process of more than 2.5 years, the court will rule on Thursday in the MH17 case. Justice demands life sentences against the four suspects. Relatives Evert and Grace van Zijtveld and Dré Wagemans followed closely.

Tonny van der Mee, Cyril Rosman

14 Nov. 2022

‘We stopped in the MH17 wreck in Gilze-Rijen where their seats were. The chairs of death. We couldn’t get any closer to their deaths.’ (victim statement Evert van Zijtveld)

On the carcass with twisted aluminum parts of MH17, only the flag of Malaysia survived the attack. In the battered cockpit, the captain’s seats are pulverized. According to justice, hundreds of small holes prove the impact of the metal particles from a Russian Buk missile.

The reconstruction of the wreck is the most tangible and sensitive piece of evidence in the criminal process. Yesterday Evert and Grace van Zijtveld and Dré Wagemans were again in the hangar at Gilze-Rijen Air Base. ,,I wanted to see it one more time”, says Dré.
