Regional transport is going to strike: no buses will drive through Zoetermeer on these days

It has been restless in public transport for a while and this week is no exception. Bus drivers who work for a regional transport company are going on strike for three days. This also applies to employees of the R-NET, Arriva and EBS.

On Wednesday 19, Thursday 20 and Friday 21 October it may be quiet at the bus stops in Zoetermeer. On those days, the employees of R-Net, Arriva and EBS stop working. They strike for higher wages and believe that the workload should be reduced.

Previous strike in Zoetermeer

It is not the first time that the employees want to make a point, because in mid-September there was also a strike from the regional transport. The drivers then gave the employers five weeks to come up with a new proposal.

Marijn van der Gaag of FNV talks about the earlier actions: “So far they have refused to sit around the table. They just raise their middle finger to their own staff. But the drivers are really fed up and are not going to let it go. They will continue until that fair collective labor agreement is in place.”

Not completely silent on the road

Although employees of R-NET, Arriva and EBS are participating in the strike, this does not apply to all public transport personnel. Several city transporters and NS staff have their own collective labor agreement and are therefore not participating in this promotion.

Some bus drivers who participate in the strike are gathering at the provincial authorities in Brabant, Utrecht and South Holland to offer a petition. The reason for this is because these provinces are the principals of the transport companies.

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