Regional transport is going on strike again, this time for five days in a row

Regional transport will again strike nationwide from Monday 6 February. This was reported by the CNV trade union after employers had not responded to the ultimatum set by the union. The strikes will mainly disrupt bus transport in North Holland.

It is not the first time that strikes have been announced in regional transport this month. In mid-January, the trade union FNV also called for a strike, after the unions and employers failed to reach an agreement during collective bargaining. The strikes then had a limited impact on the regular timetable in the province.


The CNV trade union and the Association of Employers in Public Transport (VWOV) do not seem to agree on a new collective labor agreement. That is why the union issued an ultimatum last week. Without result, as it turns out, and that is why it announces the strikes.

VWOV chairman Fred Kagie already announced last week: “This is the limit of what is feasible. We emphatically ask our unions not to run away from this, but to allow our employees to take these steps and to go for peace in the industry and security for travelers.

It is still difficult to say what the exact consequences of the five-day strike in North Holland will be. Because once again no agreement has been reached between the two parties this week, we will most likely start collective bargaining all over again.

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