Reggiana signs Portanova: controversy

The club has announced the arrival of the player, who has a 6-year sentence pending in the first instance (against which he has appealed, with the Appeal scheduled for November) for gang sexual assault. Criticisms from fans and politicians

A few lines, on social channels. Rows that immediately sparked controversy. “AC Reggiana 1919 announces that it has reached an agreement for the temporary transfer from Genoa FC of the player Manolo Portanova for the 2023-2024 season and that, therefore, pending the completion of the same, he will be aggregated to the granata club with clearance from part of the Ligurian club. The authorization will be valid until the signing of the contract, which should take place in the next few weeks”. Controversy due to the fact that Portanova has a 6-year sentence pending in the first instance (against which the footballer has appealed, with the Appeal scheduled for November) for gang sexual violence. And the square of Reggio, back in Serie B after 24 years, is literally split at the club’s announcement.


Ilenia Malavasi, a parliamentarian from Reggio for the Pd, intervened on the matter (“The crime alleged against the footballer is very serious and it would have been necessary to pay the utmost attention”) and the trade unions (“Poorly appropriate choice”). And there is even a teacher from a high school in Reggio, Liusca Boni, who has made known on her social networks a letter sent to Reggiana through which she requests the return of the subscription money. Well, the story is just beginning…
