Raffella Carrà, the life of the TV legend becomes a series

R.affaella Carrà left last July, but it certainly does not risk being forgotten. What it has been and what it has meant for Italian television and its audience – and perhaps even a little bit for our society, to which it has tried to open horizons – it’s a’priceless legacy impossible to lose over the years.

The first concrete step to keep the memory of the showgirl – the term is an understatement, but how to include in a single word singer, dancer, actress, television host, radio and television author? – is an upcoming fiction that tells of his life and career.

There Italian International Film – Lucisano Group and the Kubla Khan 1990 of Umberto Massa have acquired theoption on biographical rights to make a series focused on the absolute legend of the star system worldwide, known and loved also abroad.

Raffaella Carrà has left us: all the farewell messages from the world of entertainment to politics

“We will take it to the world”

«I am really happy to announce this project and collaborate with Raffaella’s heirs»Declared the producer Paola Lucisano. «As well as the production partnership with Umberto Massa. We are all excited about this new adventure, as it allows us to represent one unique figure in the entertainment world “.

raffaella carrà tv series

Raffaella in the seventies. (Getty Images)

For Lucisano Raffaella Carrà is «a myth that has influenced entire generationsan artist who knew ising to audiences of all agesgender and cultural level “.

AND, from the final words of the producer, it seems that the intention is to bring the series also abroad. «Its extraordinary popularity has crossed the Italian borders and made it an icon of music and costume in every part of the world. And it’s into the world that we will carry it“.

The musical dedicated to Raffaella Carrà

But this is certainly not the only initiative involving the Italian soubrette. On the stage of Sanremo 2022during the final evening, there was a nice tribute to Raffaella Carrà, linked to the world premiere of the musical Dance Dancebased on the film Explota Explota (produced by Tornasol, Indigo and Rai Cinema).

The exhibition in Sanremo was ideal “Opening” of the global tour that – pandemic restrictions permitting – will debut between late 2023 and early 2024. Then, it will move on to the main ones stages around the world.

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“Today more than ever we feel the weight and the honor of representing a work that will forever celebrate Raffaella Carrà’s music, class, irony and vitality”, said Valeria Arzenton, founder of the group. ZedLive, which has acquired the exclusive rights in the musical field. La Carrà is «an artist who was an icon, myth and inspiration for me and for many women of every generation “.



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