Racist insults cannot be washed away

Rescuers of the Berlin fire brigade in Neukölln racially insulted

During an operation at Esperantoplatz, the rescuers were racially insulted Photo: Spreepicture

By Matthias Lukashevich

A paramedic on duty was racially insulted in Neukölln. A comment from BZ editor Matthias Lukashewitsch.

Was the man drunk? Is that why he lost all inhibitions and insulted the young paramedic?

Even if we could answer the question with yes – that doesn’t change anything about the fundamental evil of this mindset. Being under the influence of alcohol would certainly not excuse anything.

Under the cloak of freedom of expression, this man has openly brought his xenophobic attitude to market: unembellished. Raw. undisguised. Simply that way.

Neukölln is a rough patch. Certainly. The paramedic was not spat in the face, which happens regularly to rescue workers in hotspot areas. It’s almost sad everyday life. Hardly worth mentioning for some. Wipe and move on.

But that just doesn’t work in the case of the Berlin rescuer with Spanish roots. Because what was thrown in her face is xenophobic verbal rubbish. She can’t wipe it away like real snot. No, it sticks.

That’s the bitter truth. Such insults cannot be washed away.


Insult Berlin fire department xenophobia racism
