Rachel Hazes responds to alleged breakup with Klaas Otto

Rachel Hazes denies the rumors that she has been pushed aside by Klaas Otto. There has never been a relationship, she claims in a response to Albert Verlinde.


A month ago, the Hazes-oriented magazine Story went big with it: photos of Rachel Hazes and Klaas Otto who are having a great time. Rachel did not deny her love affair when she was confronted by a TV crew from Shownieuws. “She immediately said with a big smile: ‘I’m not going to respond! I’m not going to respond!’”

Over and out

The showbiz channel RoddelLoog now announces that it would be over and over between Rachel and Klaas. “Have you heard the latest news about Rachel? That Mr. Otto moved in with his girlfriend Gracia Kraus after two days. So Rachel is single again. Was her happiness short-lived,” a source told the juice channel.

Ooh, that’s painful. “He also has pictures of him and Gracia Kraus on his Insta again (see below). Ma Rachel doesn’t say anything about that. He has love sorrow.”

Albert appt

Albert Verlinde immediately checked this news from RoddelLoog with Rachel. “Today photos came out of Klaas Otto with another woman and according to people who know it, it would be a lady with whom he had something in the past,” he says in Shownieuws.

He continues: “I thought: I’ll just send Rachel a message with the literal text: ‘My dear’, I say that to her, ‘Can I just call you about Klaas Otto? Was it a relationship after all?’”

Rachel responds

What does Rachel say to that: “Then she says: ‘What is a relationship at all if you are friendly with someone and have a good time?’ In other words: there was never a relationship, they had a lot of fun.”

“I say, ‘That’s very clear. The friendship remains?’ You don’t know if she thinks after those pictures: OK, that’s the end of the exercise. Then she says, “Of course, always.” So that has been resolved again.”

Dissolved? Well, that’s Rachel’s version of the story. And as Yvonne Coldeweijer always teaches the old show media: the worst source of news about celebrities are the celebrities themselves.


The stories of Gossip Loog:


The photos of Klaas Otto with his new old love can be seen below. The response to it is devastating. “Yeah, ten times better than that ugly Raggel,” says one. And the other: “This female suits you much better Klaas .”


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