Pupils discovered the fascinating world of technology

Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology – MINT for short. In these areas lies the The proportion of women is still less than 40 percent . A situation that should be changed by Girls’ Day. And that successfully: 42 percent of the participants feel like it after Girls Daylater to study in the field where they did Girls Day.

The more than forty schoolgirls discovered new worlds at the TH Lübeck: in a total of four subject areas they could learn more, try out technologies and ask questions. How can I make smart use of the sun, wind and heat? How do I build an AI myself? What is a yeast cell? What materials are there and what can I do with them?

12 schoolgirls at the faculty have come up with groceries Applied natural sciences (AN) occupied. They were able to see through the microscope what a yeast cell looks like and how it is structured compared to a hair. Together with the graduate engineer Annette Leonards, they tried out what temperature milk must have so that the yeast “feels particularly good”. The answer: “The milk must be between 30 and 36 degrees Celsius,” says Leonards.

12 other girls learned how to “build” an AI themselves from Prof. Jürgen Tchorz. Take: a microcontroller and motivated students who feed it with data by repeating a gesture in a continuous loop. Just like twelve-year-old Jalda, who strapped the microcontroller to her hand with a rubber band.

The girls future day

Federal Youth Minister Lisa Paus: “The careers young people choose has a lot to do with the chances they have of making their own experiences. I want to encourage all girls and boys to boldly explore their talents – free from outdated ideas about gender roles in the workplace. For example, girls can experience that they can be successful in technical professions and boys can discover creative or caring sides by getting to know practical professions on the day of action. The Girls’Day and Boys’Day can be a step towards more lived diversity in the job.”

20,000 campaigns and more than 160,000 places: that’s what companies and institutions offered nationwide on this year’s Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day – more opportunities for interest-based and cliché-free career and study orientation than ever before. Including the TH Lübeck. The Junior campus of the TH Lübeck coordinated the day and gave even more children the chance to have an experience in the STEM field.

On Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day, young people get an insight into jobs in which women and men have been underrepresented to date. For companies and institutions, the day of action is an opportunity to promote young people in a practical way and to inspire them for their own subject area. The days of action provide an important impetus against common gender stereotypes and ensure that young people expand their range of career and study choices.

The Action Day Girls’ Day is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). Since 2011, the BMFSFJ has also been supporting the Boys’ Day action day.
