Psycho-emotional balance, how to find and maintain it

THEbeginning of January, time of good intentions. Possibly to be maintained if not for the whole year, at least for a good part of it. And among the “great classics” of the period, the search for a psycho-emotional balance appears. This is stated by research conducted by which underlines a trend typical of all. “The search for balance is characteristic of the human being. Finding a place to stay is comfortable and predictable, without having to use excessive energy (physical and mental) to move forward “, explains Silvia Riboldi psychotherapist and consultant of the Mustela portal for professionals

Psycho-emotional balance, in search of tranquility

To declare the 16% of Italians need greater peace of mind, to which is added the 68% who would like to stop being pressured from outside. A need, which especially this year has become indispensable: «What we are starting is not just any year but one of the last to come to terms with a pandemic, which has been upsetting our lives for the past two years. The beginning of each year has always been a period of possible changes and new programming. Never as in this year has the need to find a psycho-emotional balance that favors the resumption of life in every respect felt as strong.The doctor explains Micaela Barnato, EMDR psychologist and psychotherapist.

And if the need to plan, dream, visualize, is an innate ability in man that helps him feel better, set goals and channel his energies, it is therefore essential to reach them so as to express everyone’s potential “It is no coincidence that psycho-emotional well-being is one of the most important factors for health and quality of life and the psychological care of the individual is now identified as one of the prevention practices more effective to avoid the development of diseases. In fact, it has been shown on several occasions that a prolonged, long-term state of sadness or anxiety leads to an increased risk of incurable diseases. We must take care of these aspects so that they do not become chronic and develop worse pathologies »specifies Barnato.

Balance, that is, knowing how to deal with events

A term, that of “balance”, which can be misunderstood. In fact, it should not be interpreted on a mathematical level as much as it does knowing how to react in the best way to the events of life. «In fact, the point is to be able to react in the best way to the problems of life, without letting oneself be guided and carried away by repetitive or highly persistent thoughts and overwhelming emotions. After two years of a pandemic, in which all balance points have been wiped out and with the return to normalcy which is increasingly difficult to achieve, the individual urge to find one’s own balance or in the family circle is getting stronger»Says Silvia Riboldi.

Stress, financial problems, family worries, professional uncertainties and not only that, they are the main enemies of this balance. And which, as Barnato continues, negatively affect our life by acting on the mind but also on the body. Therefore, the daily problems were joined by the pandemic ones that gave the “coup de grace” to certain situations. It is not a case that in this period the number of people suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and depression has increasedphenomena that also arise from a «continuous and exhausting struggle in not wanting to hear certain thoughts or feel certain emotions. For this we need a greater awareness »Riboldi points out.

In search of a new well-being

And it is precisely self-awareness that is the first step to take “The profound understanding of not having to build a mathematical balance between positive and negative thoughts or between emotions deemed acceptable or not is the first step towards that much desired balance that allows face different experiences by living them firsthand instead of undergoing them»Explains the psychotherapist.

And to find it you can start practicing mindfulness, a particular form of meditation that teaches a different approach to one’s thoughts and emotions, accepting reality and being aware.

Furthermore, as Barnato points out “In addition to following a balanced diet and proper hydration, having a healthy lifestyle and resuming normal lifestyle habits including holistic practices, such as meditation and yoga, is it is essential to surround yourself with positive and happy people and to cultivate positive thoughts. Last, but not least, to support courses aimed at resilience, understood as the ability to cope with adversity by developing all internal and external resources to promote psychological and social well-being. It is important, in fact, that one learns to live with the fear of the repetition of such a sudden and disabling event as the pandemic and that therefore one can cope with thinking about a new life project, addressing the attached emotion and the consequent sudden changes ” .

Obviously, in case of difficulty it is good to contact an expert: “The risk, in fact, otherwise is that everything becomes a new grueling struggle in search of a balance that is often poorly defined and identified through rigid patterns and methods dictated precisely by the malaise that the person is experiencing »concludes Silvia Riboldi.



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