Proposal between Gert Verhulst and Ellen did not go as planned and James Cooke had everything to do with it | TV

In 2019 Gert Verhulst and Ellen Callebout (44) tied the knot. “The proposal was very romantic,” James jokes. “I should know, I was there.” “Yes, that was actually a misunderstanding”, explains Gert. “We were in the Ardennes with a group of friends and during a pleasant evening it suddenly became about getting married. I said I’d like to and asked Ellen if she would like that too. James then began to applaud and shout, “He proposed to them.” Ellen jumps up and yells ‘yes’. This was it. I had imagined my proposal differently. (laughs)”

‘Gert Verhulst, the musical’: Thursday at 8.35 pm on Play4


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