Prominent conclusion of the Climate Change Thinking series

The lecture series ended on Wednesday with a top-class podium “Climate Change Thinking” in this year’s General Studies. The guests were Schleswig-Holstein’s Environment Minister, Jan Philipp Albrecht, Tina Andres, Chairwoman of the Association for the Organic Food Industry, and Christian Berg, the author, sustainability expert and member of the Club of Rome. Starting from the challenges for social transformations, the discussion spanned the spectrum from very specific objectives of CO2 pricing to the question of how a policy of sustainability is possible. The climate crisis, emphasized Christian Berg, is also a social crisis and Jan Philipp Albrecht called on all actors to align their actions with ecological concerns. Tina Andres emphasized the necessary transformation of agriculture, which must also go hand in hand with comprehensive nutritional education. The online event moderated by Christoph Rehmann-Sutter was attended by over 100 participants.

In the of the University of Luebeck together with the Scientists For Future HL, the Fridays For Future HL and the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences, renowned scientists from a wide range of disciplines shed light on the climate crisis and its effects. Above all, it has shown one thing: the climate crisis cannot be overcome without far-reaching social and cultural change.

Norbert Reintjes, professor and representative of the TH Lübeck as part of the project: “The series underlined that the climate and sustainability crisis is not only an issue for scientists and engineers. Rather, the various scientific disciplines must stimulate and support a holistic social discussion.”

Birgit Stammberger from the project team: “When we talk about the climate crisis – the event clearly showed that – then questions of social and gender inequalities must be included, as well as postcolonial perspectives. The potential of these approaches requires the creation of numerous social spaces for discussion and action.”


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