Princess Delphine about moment when she finds out who her father is: “I didn’t care that he was a prince” | TV

TVIn ‘Delphine, My Story’ the princess looks back at the moment when she discovers who her father is. When she is seventeen, mom Sybille tells her the truth: Albert is her real father. “I liked Albert’s character, so I was relieved to be his daughter,” the princess said.

Sybille had taken her daughter to Foxtrot Oscar, Delphine’s favorite London restaurant, to tell her the news. “I remember perfectly how that day went and what we ate,” Delphine recalls. “Suddenly my mother told me that Albert was my father.” Delphine reacted very positively to the revelation. “I thought it was fantastic when I heard it. And not by who he was, because I didn’t give a damn that he was a prince. What’s more, I would rather he hadn’t been a prince, because then everything wouldn’t have to be done secretly. But I did like Albert’s character, so I was relieved to be his daughter.”

Mama Sybille herself also reacts in the documentary on that particular day. “My daughter didn’t mind hearing the truth. She wasn’t shocked. I think she must have sensed it herself.” She was also relieved that the truth had finally been spoken. “My fear was that she would hear from someone else. I was afraid of that. To hear something like that from someone else is a great shock to a child.”

‘DJ Albert’

Delphine was only told who her father was after seventeen years, because Sybille was not allowed to tell this earlier for political reasons. “It could harm him and Belgium. It would be a big scandal. I completely understood that,” said Delphine. “So I immediately went into a kind of ‘soldier mode’ to protect both of them.”

(Read more below the video)

In ‘Delphine, my story’ the princess also tells about the bond between Albert and her mother. “I remember him and my mother calling each other a lot, sometimes for whole days. He was a sweet, good friend from Belgium who made my mother very happy. And me too, but I didn’t know he was my father.” The princess also remembers that Albert was fond of music. “He made cassette tapes for my mother. He was actually a DJ. We drove for hours to the south of France and we listen to the tapes with ABBA on.” Sybille still has some of those cassette tapes. “He often listened to music and then recorded it. It was always with well-known music from that time.”

Holiday with Albert

Sybille, Albert and Delphine spent the holidays together on Albert’s yacht. “I liked that,” says Delphine. “It was with good friends of his and my mother’s. Everyone seemed to know that I was his daughter, even the crew, except me. That was a bit stupid.”

‘Delphine, My Story’, from January 12, every Wednesday at 8:40 p.m. on One.

© Delphine of Saxe-Coburg / Warner Bros. ITVP Belgium


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