Police threaten to seize trucks from Ottawa protesters: “You have to close businesses” | Abroad

Ottawa police threaten to arrest or seize their trucks from the so-called ‘freedom convoy’. Officers issued an official warning to protesters. Since the end of January, people in the Canadian capital have been protesting against corona measures and the government. “You must stop immediately,” the warning reads.

In the message, police point out to protesters that they are hindering residents of Ottawa in their daily lives. “You have to close companies,” it sounds. The authorities further threaten fines and can also revoke driving licenses. Protesters guilty of illegal activities also risk being banned from entering the United States.

The protest started weeks ago as a campaign against the vaccination requirement to be allowed to cross the border into the US. The demonstrations are causing persistent congestion in Ottawa and on roads between the United States and Canada.

Meanwhile, the Canadian authorities and many residents of Ottawa have had it with the truckers’ protest. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has seized upon a never-before-used emergency law to empower his government and police. This law now prohibits, among other things, coming to Ottawa to join the convoy.


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