Police launch investigation into Johnson’s lockdown parties

LONDON (Reuters) – In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is coming under increasing pressure.

The London police launched investigations on Tuesday into numerous parties over the past two years, at which alleged corona requirements were disregarded. Scotland Yard boss Cressida Dick said on Tuesday that she could confirm that investigations would be launched. The government investigations into possible corona violations continued, the cabinet announced. There is contact with the police. Media reports said that the final report of the internal investigation could be delayed. First, the police investigation should be completed. The findings of Sue Gray, a senior official at the Department of Housing and Communities, were last expected later this week.

For weeks, more and more parties at Johnson’s official residence 10 Downing Street and misconduct by employees during various lockdowns have been uncovered. These include garden parties, wine-shopping trips with suitcases, the delivery of a wine cabinet, broken children’s swings, and employees poking fun at justifying the parties to journalists. The most recent impetus was a report on Monday that Johnson celebrated his birthday with around 30 guests in June 2020, although larger gatherings in closed rooms were prohibited at the time.

Johnson recently apologized repeatedly for various parties and possible miscalculations – including with Queen Elizabeth. The revelations have caused the approval ratings for Johnson and also for his conservative party to collapse. The Prime Minister is also facing more and more opposition from within his own ranks. Johnson was able to fend off an internal party revolt recently. There were not enough votes to raise the vote of no confidence within the Conservative Party in Parliament. But the calls for a resignation do not go away. Johnson rejects this.


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