Plan GroenLinks: almost 2000 hectares of forest and lake near Bargerveen

A large lake (370 hectares) and forest (1600 hectares) near the Bargerveen nature reserve in Southeast Drenthe. These are the ambitious starting points of a plan that GroenLinks presented yesterday in the Veenloopcentrum in Weiteveen. It could mean a boost for nature and a boost for the local economy, according to the party. Costs: more than 190 million euros and it all has to be built on agricultural land.

In the run-up to the elections, the party is committed to their idea. According to inventor and nature expert Piet Ursum, the so-called Hondsrugmeer (with a size of about two thirds of the Zuidlaardermeer) would be located between Erica and Weiteveen.

In this setup, the Bargerbos borders the current Bargerveen. A sacrifice of hundreds of hectares of agricultural land is necessary in both cases. But with that procedure you kill several birds with one stone, thinks Ursum.

According to him, farmers in the area are completely stuck because of nitrogen. “For that reason, you are no longer allowed to do anything as a farmer. Irrigation has also become difficult because no groundwater can be used.”

The agricultural land also needs to be heavily fertilized, which has also become difficult with the new view on nitrogen, says Ursum. That is why, according to him, it is time for a new, radical view of things.

The arrival of extra forest makes a nitrogen reduction of 20 to 30 percent possible. With the lake as a water storage facility you can tackle the drought and farmers have access to water in the dry summer months. The arrival of extra water and nature means an opportunity for the local economy in the area in the form of tourism.

Ursum points out the possibilities in terms of water sports and accommodation options such as holiday parks and campsites. The farmers present can make a profit in that respect, is the idea. Or leave.

According to Ursum, there isn’t that much of a choice given the nitrogen problems mentioned earlier, among other things. Therefore, fully focus on nature and recreation in the region, is the underlying idea.
