PFAS wijdspread in ondiep Vlaams grondwater | landlocked

Tot nu what he nauwelijks iets known about de aanwezigheid van per- en polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in ons grondwater. In the middle of the previous year, the PFAS spread was announced in the ondiepe groundwater around the 3M site in Zwijndrecht. This is what happens in the Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM) and a meetcampaign set up in Vlaanderen, the results of which are now known.

In 200 meetputten is op een diepte van 1.3 tot 34 meters raised to 45 missing PFAS connections. 17 PFAS zijn detected, meestal in location concentrations. “The origin of the fabrics will never be considered, because there are artificial connections between industry and households of brands that can come via the lost transport routes, such as air, water and soil in het grondwater terecht”, says Bernard De Potter, administrator – General van de VMM.


Wrong with the stricter standards, which also include recognizing buildings with gezondheidsrisico’s, the guideline for four future materials that overschedule four van de tien meetlocaties.

Het hoogst aantal PFAS in één waterput lag op eleven. In 24 putts, some grand PFAS will be detected. Deze ‘zuivere’ putti liggen allemaal buiten de provincie Antwerpen.

He is in Vlaanderen and there are standards for PFAS in the ground water. If the idea is wrong, it is possible that the result of the VMM meeting will be wrong with Europe’s guidelines. It is up to 6% of the meeting points and overwriting of the drinkwater standard for the PFAS-20 and in the location of the drinkwater standard for all the measured PFAS connections, specifically in Zwijndrecht.

Wrong with the stricter standards, which also include recognizing buildings with gezondheidsrisico’s, the guideline for four future materials that overschedule four van de tien meetlocaties. Vooral in de province of Antwerp zijn he veel overschrijdingen. In delen van Vlaams-Brabant, Limburg and West-Vlaanderen zijn he helemaal geen overschrijdingen
