Tag: Vlaams
Vlaams Belang chairman Van Grieken will go to Donald Trump’s swearing-in ceremony after all
Vlaams Belang chairman Tom Van Grieken will attend the swearing-in ceremony of American President Donald Trump on January 20 in Washington DC. This has been confirmed to our editorial team.…
Vlaams miljardenbedrijf will process één miljard kilos of patatten in 2025: “In the local Lidl in Laos koop je onze diepvriesfrietjes”
Ze bring fries to the man in 144 countries, there is a total of 1 million euros in land and a record win for. This is the same as the…
Vlaams Belang has decisive votes in…
Their strategy, which was also determined by the national party leadership, has already been determined. The three local Vlaams Belang elected officials will vote so that the council reflects the…
“Unique opportunity to write history”: Vlaams Belang proposes N-VA to submit joint parliamentary list in Brussels | Domestic
The Vlaams Belang proposes to the N-VA to submit a joint Vlaams Belang-N-VA list for the Chamber in the Brussels Region in order to win a Dutch-speaking Chamber seat from…
POLITICAL ANALYSIS. Hoe a stem for Vlaams Belang a slutty stem
What kind of politics don’t we think about? In this new analysis, exclusive to HLN, the opinion maker Noël Slangen jou elke week een blik rear de schermen van de…
Vlaams Belang goes to elections with the slogan ‘Flanders is ours again’: “We must also dare to put good polls into perspective”
‘Flanders is ours again’ is the slogan with which Vlaams Belang will campaign in the coming months. Chairman Tom Van Grieken said this on Sunday at a meeting in Zellik.…
Vlaams Belang goes to elections with the slogan ‘Flanders is ours again’
‘Flanders is ours again’ is the slogan with which Vlaams Belang will campaign in the coming months. Chairman Tom Van Grieken said this on Sunday at a meeting in Zellik.…
Vooruit-voorzitter Depraetere has uit op verkiezingscongres: “Onze welvaart wordt bereigd door een right block of N-VA en Vlaams Belang”
It’s a mistake: security and cooperation protection. This was the day of the boodschap of Vooruit-voorzitter Melissa Depraetere on the inhoudelijke congres van de partij in aanloop naar de verkiezingen.…
N-VA appears to be losing the battle for market leadership with Vlaams Belang in a new poll, De Wever remains the most popular politician | Domestic
In a new poll by De Standaard and VRT NWS, the N-VA, still clearly the largest Flemish party in 2019, drops below 20 percent. The battle for market leadership with…
ANALYSIS. Carl Devos analyzes Bart De Wever’s strategy: “If Vlaams Belang co-governs in Flanders, he can blame the other parties”
N-VA chairman Bart De Wever links the formation of Flemish government to his demand for a Flemish majority at federal level. If there is a federal government without a Flemish…