Peak Culture Dashboard, a tool to improve your well-being

Many tasks to do, long working days, few hours of rest… For many employees, this pace results in fatigue and constant stress. It then becomes difficult to keep one’s promises at the beginning of the year, including those to play sports several times a week and to focus on one’s well-being. Yet it is essential to remain effective at work. According to a study by the firm GoodWill Management conducted among French employees, the practice of a regular sporting activity would improve their level of commitment and motivation.

Today, there are tools to improve mental and physical condition and optimize daily performance, such as Peak Culture Dashboard.

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A complete dashboard to improve your mental and physical well-being

Peak Culture Dashboard is a free extension available on Google Chrome, Brave, and Microsoft Edge. Once downloaded, simply register to start using the features offered. It is necessary to enter his name, height and weight. This data will allow us to monitor its performance. You are then asked to choose one of four levels of physical activity:

  • sedentary, that is to say when you are not used to practicing a sporting activity;
  • not very active, if you do less than four hours a week;
  • active, for people who exercise almost every day;
  • very active, for those who do it every day of the week and for long periods of time.

Once the level has been chosen, the user accesses the dashboard, which is made up of different widgets. Among them, “Habits”, which allows you to create a list of activities for mental and physical well-being, to be done regularly. For example, read thirty pages of your book every day, do thirty minutes of yoga, get up before six o’clock… Like a to-do list, you have to check off each item you do, every day. The tool also suggests statistics to have an overview of the tasks carried out and their progress.

To motivate yourself to continue your efforts, you should use the “Personal Records” widget. The user can indicate his own records as his race route. He will be able to refer to it to set his next objectives to be achieved, which he will have to register in “Goals”.

In parallel with these features, it is possible to add the number of glasses of water and coffee that have been drunk during the day to monitor consumption, reduce or increase it. Peak Culture Dashboard also allows users to listen to music from Spotify directly from the tool, in order to motivate themselves to improve their physical and mental performance. The goal is to help each of them become more active and effective.


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