Payment amounts as of 1 January 2022 | news item

News item | 21-12-2021 | 09:31

As of 1 January 2022, the amount of a number of benefits will be adjusted. These are the Participation Act, the Income Provision Act for Older and Partly Disabled Unemployed Employees (IOAW) and the Income Provision of the Old and Partly Disabled Former Self-Employed Persons Act (IOAZ), the General Old Age Pensions Act (AOW), the General Surviving Relatives Act (Anw), the Work and Employment Support Act for Young Disabled Persons (Wajong). , Unemployment Insurance Act (WW), Work and Income according to Capacity for Work Act (WIA), Disability Insurance Act (WAO), Sickness Benefits Act (ZW) and Benefits Act (TW).

This is because these benefits are linked to the statutory minimum wage. The minimum wage increases from € 1,701.00 to € 1,725.00 gross per month. The minimum youth wages will also be revised as of 1 January 2022.


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