Parties bicker over eco-blockers

The constant blockades of the radical eco-activists cause Zoff in the Senate!

The interior and judiciary administrations obviously judged the protests differently. The dispute became public again on Monday when State Secretary Torsten Akmann (57, SPD) spoke to the Committee for the Protection of the Constitution.

The protests included several criminal offenses such as coercion and dangerous intervention in road traffic. “Now it’s up to the judiciary to decide how people are sentenced here and how they are sentenced as quickly as possible,” said the politician.

“This is primarily the responsibility of the Berlin public prosecutor’s office, from which we expect a lot as an internal administration.”

There was also undisguised sympathy for the blockers in the committee on Monday. Left-wing MP Niklas Schrader (40) found them harmless. On the other hand, interior expert Tom Schreiber (43, SPD) sharply criticized the fact that 12-year-olds were among the activists: “Parents have a duty of care for their children and for them I personally see it as clearly hurt!”

also read

► Climate protection activists again block A100 exits

► Huge outrage at the Green Minister – is everything actually allowed in the fight for the climate?

The FDP MP Björn Jotzo (47): “Children have no place in illegal assemblies, which in this case are also extremely conflict-prone and dangerous.”​

Frank Balzer (57, CDU): “There seems to be no longer a limit for the blockers. Maybe they will soon be pushing prams with babies onto the street…”​

Left MP Ferat Kocak (42) emphasizes: “Children must not be exploited, for example as protective shields against the police. Therefore, it can only be justified if the 12-year-old would like to take part in such an action herself and would not let bans stop her. Then it is better if she is accompanied by her mother, who makes sure that she does not expose herself to danger during the action.”


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