Opposition angry about financial troubles to expand IC beds

Opposition angry about financial troubles to expand IC beds

The opposition in the House of Representatives is angry about the financial conflict that the Ministry of Health had with hospitals during the corona pandemic over the expansion of beds in intensive care units. Partly because there was no agreement about the numbers in the initial situation, the necessary expansion did not go well, NRC reported after its own investigation.

GroenLinks and Groep-Van Haga want a debate to quickly clarify the issue. “Scaling up the number of ICU beds is a difficult task, we all understand that. But if the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport discourages hospitals from scaling up the ICU, for fear of budget overruns, something has gone wrong”, Lisa Westerveld of GroenLinks tweeted. .

Wybren van Haga is furious. “We asked the entire corona crisis to scale up care, but the sick people who really needed help did not get anything due to official haggling. While the grant was quickly drawn for vaccines and non-working mouth caps,” says Van Haga. know.

Need clarification

PVV member Fleur Agema tweeted: “The bastards would rather have a lockdown, prefer scaling down regular hospital care, prefer 95 billion on the national debt, prefer 22% young people who considered suicide, than invest in hospital capacity. So bad.”

SGP Member of Parliament Kees van der Staaij: “It is alarming that financial squabbling at VWS, during the peak of the corona crisis, has led to a smaller scale-up of IC capacity than was possible. Clarification about this is needed.” JA21 asks parliamentary questions to care minister Ernst Kuipers.
