Omicron decree, the new rules: what changes

C.ent thousand new infections in the last 24 hours and 600 thousand infected people: Omicron is a tsunami, spreads rapidly and relentlessly and to ensure that the country is not in a natural lockdown the Government, meeting yesterday, took new decisions e passed a decree with the rules that will come into force from 10 January. Let’s see what they are.

Restrictions for the unvaccinated

THE unvaccinated must be vaccinated. This, for the executive and the Scientific Technical Committee, is karma. And if you can’t convince them, you have to do something anyway. So here is that for them, to get on any means of transport, planes, trains, ships, but also on all local public transport, you will need the Super Green Pass (which only have the vaccinated and recovered) And even a negative swab will no longer be enough.

The same will happen to go to a hotel or in an outdoor restaurant, to participate in a wedding or any ceremony, at fairs, conferences. To access the ski resorts in the white or yellow zone. As well as for outdoor sports.

Doctor’s hands in protective gloves & workwear putting COVID-19 test swab into senior woman’s mouth in clinic.

The quarantine: what changes?

To avoid blocking the country and all the essential services why million of people they have to go into isolation for having had contact with a positive, one has been decided quarantine reform, with the easing of restrictions for vaccinated people.

So: for those who have had contact with a positive, but they are vaccinated with three doses or two, but less than four months ago e they have no symptoms, the quarantine obligation is canceled and replaced by a self-monitoring regime.

Which will mean having individual responsibility to get around wearing an Ffp2 mask for ten days, of avoid going to closed and crowded places like cinemas, theaters and after five days carry out a swab, even a quick check.

For vaccinated people who are in the “at risk” range, i.e. if 4 months have passed since the second dose and waiting for the third, there will be one miniquarantine, reduced from the current 7 to 5 days, also with control pad. For the No Vax, however, nothing changes: anyone who comes into contact with a positive will have to stay at home for 10 days and will only be able to leave after a negative swab or, alternatively, remain in isolation for 14 days.

The asymptomatic positives

Since Omicron is also asymptomatically infecting many vaccinated with two doses, for them instead of the planned ten days of isolation at home, a week will suffice and then it will be possible to return to the community with the negative result of a swab which can also be antigenic and no longer molecular. For those who, vaccinated or not, get the disease with symptoms, nothing changes.

Low prices for Ffp2 masks

With the obligation of Ffp2 bezels indoors and on transport, the rush to buy has already made them impossible to find and has caused prices to skyrocket. For this the Government has decided to intervene calmierando the price and stipulating special agreements with pharmacies.

Protections in the classroom

Commissioner Francesco Paolo Figliuolo will also start screening in schools with the help of the military to understand the need for FfP2 masks to be distributed. With a note sent to schools, the Ministry of Education asked that “school administrators indicate the necessary quantities by next January 4th so that the distribution can be organized in time for the return ».

Stadiums, capacity reduced again

Under the new provisions the capacity provided for sports facilities will be 50 percent of the maximum allowed outdoors, 35 percent indoors. In outdoor and indoor stadiums and sports halls it will always be mandatory to show the reinforced green pass (issued to recovered and vaccinated people) and wear a mask.



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