Olympics 2022 | Seegert: “It hurts to see the ice surface”

After more than a week in quarantine, the German pair skating champion Nolan Seegert is still only watching the Winter Olympics in front of the television.

“It hurts to see the ice surface that you actually wanted to stand on,” said the 29-year-old Berliner in an interview with “ZEIT-online”.

Seegert is still waiting for a negative PCR test, but is still symptom-free: “If you’re fine and you fail the CT value, it’s difficult to take.”

Because of the coronavirus infection, Seegert and his partner Minerva Hase missed out on participating in the Olympic team competition, in which the German team took ninth place. The decision in pair skating begins on February 18th with the short program, 24 hours later the freestyle will be run.


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