Olympics 2022 | Bach appeals: “Give peace a chance”

In his speech at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing, IOC President Thomas Bach once again appealed to the world’s political leaders to refrain from acts of war during the two-week sporting competitions. “Respect your commitment to this Olympic truce. Give peace a chance,” he said.

In addition, Bach bowed again to the hosts of the Winter Games, whose ambition enables a “new era for global winter sports”. “We can only write this new chapter in sports history thanks to our kind hosts, the people of China, whom we thank from the bottom of our hearts for welcoming us all so warmly,” he said.

Bach also thanked the Chinese for their commitment during the pandemic, which “unfortunately” is still “reality”. “Thank you for making this Winter Olympics possible – and in a safe way for everyone.” At the same time, he emphasized that “our heart goes out to all the athletes who are unable to realize their Olympic dream due to the pandemic.”

Once again Bach presented the Olympic stage as a shining example of “a fragile world where division, conflict and mistrust grow”. Through fair and respectful coexistence, athletes in particular showed the world: “Yes, it is possible to be bitter rivals and at the same time live together peacefully.”

Bach emphasized that this was “the mission” of the Olympic Games: “To bring us together in peaceful competition; always build bridges, never erect walls. To unite humanity in all its diversity.”


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