Olympia 2022: Moment of shock and best time for gold hope Geisenberger

First a fall, then the best time again: medal hope Natalie Geisenberger experienced a moment of shock one day before the Olympic luge race in China.

The record world champion lost control of her sled at the Yanqing Sliding Center in the fifth training run at the exit of the tricky turn 13 and briefly lay on her side.

“I had no orientation because the curve was covered with sails,” reported the four-time Olympic champion, who was rehabilitated immediately: In the final sixth run, the Bavarian managed the fastest run one day after her 34th birthday, just like in the first four training runs.

Geisenberger had already fallen at the same point in the World Cup last November. “Down in turn 13, I always have to say a little bit: hold my breath,” Geisenberger said on Saturday. It is clear “that this is not quite my job”.

World champion Julia Taubitz won the fifth training run on Sunday morning, in the last round she only finished 19th after a “buck at the start”: “That was a bit annoying, but I can go into the race quite optimistically.”

The third German starter, Anna Berreiter, also came second twice in the final practice runs before her Olympic premiere, co-favorite Madeleine Egle (Austria) came in third in both runs.

The first two races of the competition will take place on Monday (from 12:50 p.m. CET/19:50 p.m. ET). The day after, after rounds three and four, the medals in the women’s singles will be awarded.


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