OFC plays cup match against Eredivisionist Sparta at Purmersteijn

Second divisionist OFC will play the cup match against Sparta at the Purmersteijn complex. According to the KNVB rules, the light installation at its own complex in Oostzaan does not provide sufficient light. Fourth divisionist Purmersteijn now offers the solution.

The board of the second divisionist had several accommodations on the shortlist. There were sports park Goed Enough (AFC), sports park Kalverhoek (Jong AZ) and the Volendam stadium (FC Volendam).

OFC team manager Jaap de Vries says that none of the sports parks mentioned was a concrete option. “Unfortunately, all the clubs we targeted could not help us. There were no pitches available at all accommodations.”

Beautiful cup atmosphere

Ultimately, De Vries is very happy with Purmersteijn’s accommodation. “Yesterday I did an inspection in Purmerend. The local football club has an intimate sports park. There is a small grandstand where maybe a hundred people can sit. Everyone else is close to the field. It creates a wonderful cup atmosphere.”


Despite the workaround, it doesn’t get rid of the root of the problem. De Vries thinks the OFC sports park is currently unworthy of the second division. “The main field and light installation are now thirteen years old. After training, OFC players often suffer from back problems due to the hard field. Fortunately, the club and municipality have approved a budget for three new fields and light installations. can close the headache file.”
