Nordic combined live: Seefeld HS 109, 7.5 km in the live ticker | 01/28/2022 13:30


Riiber back in the World Cup: there will be a duel with Lamparter

Dominator Jarl Magnus Riiber returns after his involuntary break due to a back injury. However, the Norwegian was able to prove in the national ski jumping title fights with second place that he is still in outstanding form. In his absence, however, his young Austrian rival Johannes Lamparter has caused quite a stir. One of the exciting questions of the weekend will be whether the youngster can keep up with Riiber or even beat him. Of course, in today’s competition you also have to take into account the other strong jumpers from Austria, such as Mario Seidel and Franz-Josheph Rehrl. The same applies to Estonian Kristjan Ilves and Japanese Akito Watabe.


Just five minutes

It starts in about five minutes. Of course, we firmly believe that the provisional competition jump will not have to be used and that the 55 participants will be able to descend the normal hill in Seefeld. The wind is blowing a bit at the hill, but everything should go smoothly.


Riiber outstanding in the PCR

Jarl-Magnus Riiber caused quite a stir in the provisional competition on Thursday and won it clearly with 107 meters in front of Terence Weber (99.5 meters) and Kristjan Ilves (109 meters), who, however, caught a good 14 points behind to have. Fourth and fifth place went to the two Austrians Johannes Lamparter and Philipp Orter. Vincenz Geiger and Erik Frenzel finished seventh and ninth.


ÖSV represented by eleven athletes

The ÖSV is represented at the home World Cup with eleven athletes and consequently also has the most athletes of all teams. Manuel Einklemmer and Thomas Rettenegger will open the competition with numbers one and two. Of course, the focus is clearly on Johannes Lamparter. The man in the yellow jersey will finish the jump with number 55. But Mario Seidel with number 45 is also a candidate for the podium, at least today.


DSV with seven athletes at the start: Geiger and Frenzel with the best chances

The hopes of the German team are spread over several shoulders. The four-time triple winner Eric Frenzel is also one of the extended favorites, as is Vincenz Geiger. However, Julian Schmid, Terence Weber, Johannes Rydzek, Manuel Faißt and Fabian Rießle will also want to fight for the top places. However, the short distance does not really play into the hands of the fast-paced German athletes. Of course, podium finishes are always possible. The first DSV athlete will be Fabian Rießle with number 37.


Warm welcome!

Hello and welcome to part of the Seefeld Triple. Immediately before the Olympic Winter Games, the first real highlight of the season awaits in the traditional Austrian town, but also the last endurance test before Beijing. The ski jump begins at 1:30 p.m. before the cross-country ski run at 3:30 p.m.


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