Nordic combined: Jumping in Seefeld also canceled on the third day – Nordic combined – winter sports

Prepared for Saturday

On Saturday, before the actual competition, the athletes had already left the hill to be prepared for emergencies. This has now occurred.

It’s even windier than yesterday. The situation is not good. I don’t see a chance that we’ll get this over the stage. There will be no windows where we can drop the jumpers“, explained the jury around race director Lasse Ottesen.

Racing promises a lot of excitement

At the PCR (Provisional Competition Round) said round on Saturday, Kristjan Ilves was the best. He was followed by Friday winner Jarl Magnus Riiber and Terence Weber. After adding the bonus points from Saturday’s race, there were some small shifts, but they promise enormous excitement for the 12.5-kilometer race for overall victory.

The top six, including Weber, Riiber and overall World Cup leader Johannes Lamparter, are only seven seconds apart. Vinzenz Geiger, who won the race on Saturday, starts the race 28 seconds after the leader. Julian Schmid follows three more seconds later. Johannes Rydzek still has every chance, 44 seconds behind. He is currently the best runner in the field and the distance is 2.5 kilometers longer than normal races.

Manuel Faißt (17./+1:06 minutes) will probably form a group with Eric Frenzel (23./+1:20 minutes), the record winner from Seefeld, and try to move forward. Fabian Riessle, in 40th place, is more than two minutes behind.

The Seefeld Triple

A competition is held in Seefeld on three days in a row, with the running distance increasing from 7.5 to 10 to 12.5 kilometers. One jump each time. The top 15 of each day receive bonus points that give them a head start on the next day. Whoever reaches the finish line first on Sunday is the overall winner.


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