Nightclubs open doors in protest against corona measures

Nightclubs open doors in protest against corona measures

Night catering throughout the Netherlands is participating in ‘The Night is up’, in which they open their doors in protest against the corona measures. Amsterdam nightclubs that participate in the action risk a fine of 4500 euros. Other municipalities, such as Utrecht, Haarlem and Maastricht, have also announced that they will enforce the law.

The promotion was announced last week by the sector organization Nachtbelang and the Amsterdam Clubs Consultation (OAC). The initiators say they are tired of the fact that the government’s plans to reopen society do not include nightlife. Clubs across the country joined the campaign.

At the same time, the police have announced that they will not act during the night catering action. The police unions ACP, ANPV, Equipe and NPB have called on their members to enforce a better collective labor agreement in this way. The boa unions then said it is not safe to enforce boas without police support. However, chairman of the security council and mayor of Nijmegen Hubert Bruls believes that boas should simply do their job.

The catering industry may now be open until 10 p.m. New relaxations are expected to be announced next Tuesday.


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